What To Buy In Morocco

From wherever we are, we love to bring local products and souvenirs that bring back nice memories. Unfortunately, many popular tourist places have been flooded with a lot of Chinese crap, which is waiting for us in every shop. Fortunately, this is not the case in Morocco. The place is full of beautiful handicrafts and original trinkets. So what to buy in Morocco? Discover the 14 best things to buy in Morocco.

Moroccan Spices

What To Buy In Morocco -Moroccan Spices

Wandering through Jeema el-Fna Square in Morocco, the delicious smells will make your stomach rumble. This spot is a must for tasting the country’s incredible cuisine.

The secret behind the mouthwatering Moroccan dishes is often ras el hanout, a spice blend that takes dishes like tagine, rice, or couscous to the next level. This mix might include up to 35 spices, such as curry, coriander, and cumin. Don’t miss the chance to buy some when you’re in Morocco. Sellers typically grind it fresh for you, but if you prefer grinding it at home for a stronger scent, just tell them.

The souks are also great for shopping for spices like cinnamon, saffron, and turmeric. These markets blend color and scent, offering mostly good quality. But, keep an eye out for fakes, like fake saffron. Your nose will help you pick the real deal!

Moroccan Tea

What To Buy In Morocco- Moroccan Tea

Don’t miss a chance to buy Moroccan tea to bring it back home.

Making authentic Moroccan tea is quite a skill. Start by adding 3 large spoonfuls of tea to a kettle, then pour in a liter of water and toss in some fresh mint leaves. These three spoonfuls can make up to 5 infusions, with each following one being slightly milder but still delicious.

Moroccans have a unique way of serving tea, pouring it from high above to slightly cool it and create a frothy top. Expect your tea to come sweetened – it’s a gesture of hospitality from your host. And remember, if someone in Morocco offers you tea, it’s polite to accept. It’s their way of showing friendship.

Argan Oil

What To Buy In Morocco- Argan Oil

Argan oil, especially the food-grade kind, is fantastic! It’s not just delicious but also super healthy. It boosts the immune system, fights inflammation, and supports the nervous system, kidneys, and liver. It’s made from the seeds of the argan tree, which was once a very labor-intensive process. Each seed had to be cracked open with a stone, and the outer shell was fed to goats (they love it so much, they climb trees for it!).

After cracking open another layer of seeds, the second shell was used for things like briquettes and paving paths (you’ll see this in our Agadir video). Roasting the seeds and grinding them into a paste from which oil was pressed by hand was a lot of work. Getting 1 liter of oil took about two hours of grinding, and the whole process could take one woman around 24 hours!

Today, modern machines have sped up the process, but in some Berber villages, they still make argan oil the old-fashioned way. In Morocco, women’s cooperatives and factories now produce argan oil for both eating and cosmetics. Argan oil is the most expensive cooking oil globally because you need about 40 kg of argan nuts for 1 liter of oil. The leftover argan paste is even used to make soap.

You can find argan oil mixed with almonds or cocoa. The version with cocoa is cheaper, but the almond mix (amlou) is superior. However, getting high-quality argan oil can be tricky. A host from our riad mentioned that despite being a Marrakesh native, he can’t always get the best. He suggested buying from Berber women’s cooperatives with a quality certificate. The argan tree is unique to Morocco, growing only in the southwest.

For those who love peanut butter, Morocco offers a tasty alternative with argan oil. Fresh bread with this butter is heavenly!


What To Buy In Morocco -Honey

You definitely won’t buy this type of honey anywhere else, because, in addition to rosemary, lavender, or thyme honey, you can also find honey from prickly pear flowers. Honey is a natural antibiotic, has anti-inflammatory properties, and is highly effective against throat infections. 

Authentic Moroccan Cosmetics

What To Buy In Morocco- Cosmetics

Morocco is well-known for its exceptional beauty products, with argan oil being a star ingredient not just in culinary delights but in the cosmetic world too. The key difference for cosmetic use is that the oil is cold-pressed. Nature often holds the best solutions for us! The cosmetic benefits of argan oil were discovered when it was noticed that women working in its food-grade production had remarkably smooth, wrinkle-free skin. Now, we understand that argan oil’s regenerative and moisturizing effects are bolstered by a high content of vitamin E, which helps slow down the aging process.

You can find pure argan oil for the face and body, and there are also versions infused with scents like jasmine, rose, or lemongrass, which is perfect for summer evenings as it helps keep mosquitoes at bay. On my trip, I picked up a hair-strengthening serum made with argan oil as well.

Prickly pear oil

What To Buy In Morocco-Prickly Pear Oil

Prickly pear oil is up next on the list of natural wonders. Although it’s on the pricier side, its effectiveness has earned it the titles “natural Botox” and “wrinkle smoother.” You can find it in natural product stores in Europe, but it’s usually a bit cheaper in Morocco.

Rose oil

Moroccan Rose Water

Rose oil doesn’t just fight germs; it also strengthens blood vessels and helps calm skin redness. Moroccans swear by its effectiveness against varicose veins and scalp issues, including dandruff. A few drops in your bath can melt away the day’s stress and fatigue. In Morocco, you can also pick up rose water as a hydrolate.

Eucalyptus oil

What To Buy In Morocco- Eucalyptus Oil

Then there’s eucalyptus oil, known for fighting inflammation and infection. In Morocco, you can also grab dried eucalyptus leaves and crystals. These are fantastic for inhalation to help with cold symptoms or brewed into a strong tea. Just a crystal or two is enough for inhalation, or you can rub them in a cloth and inhale for a quick eucalyptus boost.


What To Buy In Morocco- Perfumes

Alcohol-free perfumes, which come in oil form, pack a powerful punch despite their small bottles. Just a few milliliters can last quite a while because they’re super concentrated. A tiny drop can keep its scent on your skin for up to 12 hours and linger for a whole day or even longer. It’s important to use them sparingly, though, as their strong aroma might be overwhelming. In Muslim cultures, where women traditionally didn’t show their faces, captivating someone with scent was a key form of allure, making these perfumes much more intense than what we’re typically used to in Europe. If you’re testing perfumes at markets, try a bit on your skin and see how long the scent stays; you might want to return to the seller after a few hours or the next day due to varying qualities. For guaranteed original Arabic perfumes, shopping in the duty-free area of the airport is a safe bet. Morocco also offers solid perfume bars, which are fantastic for keeping in your closet to infuse your clothes with a lasting fragrance.

Handmade Tagines

What To Buy In Morocco- Tagines

Tagines are a must if you enjoy local dishes. The markets offer a variety of sizes and designs, from small to large, intricately decorated to simple. For cooking, simpler designs are recommended, and don’t forget to season it before the first use!

Leather Products

What To Buy In Morocco- Leather Products

Leather goods are another find in Morocco, known for their high quality. You’ll see everything from sandals and backpacks to bags, jackets, cushions and poufs. The craftsmanship, especially the hand-stitched details and embroidery, is impressive. There are also breezy clothes made from natural materials, perfect for Morocco’s warm climate.

Moroccan Craftmanship

What To Buy In Morocco- Craftmanship

Ceramics caught my eye with their patterns. If not for luggage limits, I’d have a whole new set of dishes! You’ll also stumble upon brass artisans in the medina’s narrow lanes, creating wonders. If large lamps aren’t an option, consider beautiful tea light covers. And don’t miss the hand-woven carpets, a global hallmark of Moroccan craftsmanship.

Handmade Magnets

What To Buy In Morocco- Handmade Magnets

Magnets are a small but common souvenir. In Marrakech, you can find unique handmade ones, a step up from the mass-produced varieties often seen in places like Agadir.